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  • 发布时间:2020-10-19
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李阳,男,山东德州人,1987年生,2009年毕业于中国海洋大学,获生物科学专业学士学位;2012年毕业于中国海洋大学,获发育生物学专业硕士学位;2016年毕业于德国基尔大学,获分子生物学专业博士学位。2020年以青年卓越人才加入注册送彩金论坛 。








Li, Y., Romey-Glüsing, R., Tahan Zadeh, N., von Frieling, J., Hoffmann, J., Huebbe, P., Bruchhaus, I., Rimbach, G., Fink, C., & Roeder, T*. (2020). Furbellow (Brown Algae) Extract Increases Lifespan in Drosophila by Interfering with TOR-Signaling. Nutrients12, 1172.


Li, Y., Dou, X., Pang, J., Liang, M., Feng, C., Kong, M., Liu, Y., Cheng, X., Wang, Y., & Chen, X*. (2019). Improvement of fucoxanthin oral efficacy via vehicles based on gum Arabic, gelatin and alginate hydrogel: Delivery system for oral efficacy enhancement of functional food ingredients. Journal of Functional Foods63, 103573.


Li, Y., Li, J., Liu, T., Wang, Y., Zhou, Z., Cheng, F., Feng, C., Cheng, X., Liu, H.*, & Chen, X.* (2017). Preparation and antithrombotic activity identification of Perinereis aibuhitensis extract: A high temperature and wide pH range stable biological agent. Food & function, 8(10), 3533-3541.


Li, Y.#, Liang, M.#, Dou, X., Feng, C., Pang, J., Cheng, X., Liu, H., Liu, T., Wang, Y.*, & Chen, X.* (2019). Development of alginate hydrogel/gum Arabic/gelatin based composite capsules and their application as oral delivery carriers for antioxidant. International journal of biological macromolecules, 132(1), 1090-1097.


Li, Y.#, Feng, C.#, Li, J., Mu, Y., Liu, Y., Kong, M., Cheng, X.*, & Chen, X.* (2017). Construction of multilayer alginate hydrogel beads for oral delivery of probiotics cells. International journal of biological macromolecules, 105, 924-930.


Yang, C.#, Li, Y.#, Deng, J., Li, M., Ma, C., & Shi, C*.  (2020). Accurate, rapid and low-cost diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae via fast narrow-thermal-cycling denaturation bubble-mediated strand exchange amplification. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.


Deng, J. #, Li, Y.#, Shi, W., Liu, R., Ma, C., & Shi, C*. (2020). Primer design strategy for denaturation bubble-mediated strand exchange amplification. Analytical Biochemistry593, 113593.


Wu, X. #, Li, Y.#, Chen, X., Zhou, Z., Pang, J., Luo, X., & Kong, M*. (2019). A surface charge dependent enhanced Th1 antigen-specific immune response in lymph nodes by transfersomes based nanovaccine loaded dissolving microneedle assisted transdermal immunization. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 7(31), 4854-4866.


Romey-Glüsing, R.#, Li, Y.#, Hoffmann, J., von Frieling, J., Knop, M., Pfefferkorn, R., Bruchhaus, I., Fink, C., & Roeder, T.* (2018). Nutritional regimens with periodically recurring phases of dietary restriction extend lifespan in Drosophila. The FASEB Journal, 32(4), 1993-2003.


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