。在Food Hydrocolloids,Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,Food Research International,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules等国际刊物上发表SCI论文20余篇,申请发明专利2项,参编学术著作1部、高校教材1部。主持山东省自然科学基金青年基金1项,教育部产学合作协同育人项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,青岛市科技惠民项目1项。
1.Zhang, Z., Zhao, Y., Han, Y., Teng, H., &Xu, Q*., Crucial effect of ovomucin on alkali-induced egg white gel formation: Properties, structure and facilitation mechanism.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024,277, 134507.
2.Zhao, Y., Zhang, Z., Han, Y., Liu, X., Jin, Y., &Xu, Q*., The regulation mechanism of ultrasonic treatment on alkali-induced egg white protein gel: Structure, molecular characteristics and intermolecular forces distribution.Food Research International, 2024,196, 115104.
3.Zhang, Z., Li, X., Teng, H., Han, Y., Jin, Y., &Xu, Q*., Preparation and characterization of ovomucin self-assembly nanoparticles under glycerol compression for astaxanthin delivery: Sustained release and antioxidant activity.Journal of Food Science,2024.1750-3841,17429
4.Xu, Q#*., Teng, H#., Li, X., Zhang, Z., Han, Y., & Sun, H*, Natural Biomolecule Ovomucin–Chitosan Oligosaccharide Self-Assembly Nanogel for Lutein Application Enhancement: Characterization, Environmental Stability and Bioavailability.Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2024, 15(4), 111.
5.Zhuo, Z., Yin, C., Zhang, Z., Han, Y., Teng, H.,Xu, Q*., & Li, C*., Nano-Reactors Based on Ovotransferrin Organic Skeleton through a Ferroptosis-like Strategy Efficiently Enhance Antibacterial Activity.Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2024,15(8), 205.
6.Li, X., Yin, C., Liu, B., Zou, L.,Xu, Q*., & Li, C. M*., Glycerol-compressed self-assembly nanogel based on ovomucin and chito-oligosaccharide: A novel green strategy for curcumin delivery,Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 134: 107996.
7.Xu, Q#*., Li, X#., Lv, Y., Liu, Y., & Yin, C., Effects of ultrasonic treatment on ovomucin: Structure, functional properties and bioactivity,Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2022, 89: 106153.
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