


  • 作者:
  • 发布时间:2021-12-22
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王嘉慧,理学博士,硕士生导师。2021年于山东大学硕博连读毕业,获得博士学位, 主要从事纳米材料毒理学与重金属污染物的生态健康风险研究。近五年以第一作者及通讯作者分别在Journal of Hazardous Materials, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & EngineeringChemosphereSustainability等国际知名期刊发表多篇论文。主持山东省自然科学基金1项、参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,并入选青岛市“金种子”人才计划。


联系方式[email protected]


1.Wang, J.; Su, G.; Yan, X.; Zhang, W.; Jia, J.; Yan, B., Predicting cytotoxicity of binary pollutants towards a human cell panel in environmental water by experimentation and deep learning methods. Chemosphere,2021, 287, (Pt 3), 132324.JCR一区,影响因子: 7.086

2.Wang, J.;Zhang, J.; Gao, Y.; Xiong, H.; Zhang, W.; Yan, B.,The ZrO2NPs enhanced the risk of arsenate by promoting its accumulation and reducing its detoxification during food chain transfer fromDaphnia magnato zebrafish. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424.JCR一区,影响因子: 10.588

3. Li, C.; Wang, J.; Yan, B.; Miao, A.-J.; Zhong, H.; Zhang, W.; Ma, L. Q., Progresses and emerging trends of arsenic research in the past 120 years. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,2020, 51, (13), 1306-1353.JCR一区,影响因子: 12.561

4. Wang, Y.; Zhou, L.; Wang, X.; Liu, X.; Jiang, L.;Wang, J.; Sun, H.; Jiang, C.; Xing, X.; Zhang, Y.; Pan, B.; Yan, B., A human cell panel for evaluating safe application of nano-ZrO2/polymer composite in water remediation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 166, 474-481.JCR一区,影响因子: 6.291

5. Yang, S.; Jiang, Z.; Chen, Z.; Tong, L.; Lu, J.;Wang, J., Bovine serum albumin-stabilized gold nanoclusters as a fluorescent probe for determination of ferrous ion in cerebrospinal fluids via the Fenton reaction. Microchimica Acta,2015, 182, (11-12), 1911-1916.JCR一区,影响因子: 5.833

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